Assalamu alaikum wr.wb And Good afternoon
First of all, let’s thank to Allah SWT, the Almighty who has been giving us His mercy and blessings till we can attend this event without any obstacle in this good place and time.
Secondly, May Sholawat and Salam always be with our Prophet Muhammad Pease be Upon Him, who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in the world as well as in the next world.
Ladiest and gentlaman
We know together that, Nursing is a professional service which forms an integral part of health care. Based on nursing science and art devoted to the individual, family groups, and communities, whether healthy or sick cover of human life
A professional nurse would have empathy for the feelings of others. Nurses must always understand the situation that happened to someone else and try as much as possible to understand the lives and experiences of others. Professional care givers will be able to make changes in themselves and especially to others, especially when all maintenance actions, based on the code of ethics and the teachings of Islam.
Ladies and gentleman
we must know, Without a code of ethics and moral basis, the treatment can easily be eroded in the healing environment and did not see someone in the context of values and a certain life. There are some codes for professional nurses who all reflect such as, autonomy (self-determination by the client), generosity with good acting, avoidance for harm, justice is meant to treat all fairly, and loyalty hold the promise of confidentiality and not distribute the client as a tribute to the client.
All this was closely related to the teachings of Islam who always ordered every man to live a mutual respect and helping others in a state in need of help.
The are proveb say that "Please help you in virtue, do not you please help in crime"
and Allah SWT say that al maidah sura "Whoever saves one life, it was as if he had saved mankind entirely"
Ladies and gentleman
Islamic health care system can be created if the following factors supported:
1. A certain character and behave Islamic
2. Friendly because smile part of the faith
3. Have properties that meet the four moral concepts in Islam such as :
Farirnest, accountabilitas, transparency (honesty), and the last concistent (istiqamah)
4. Can withstand desires
5. Help based on habluminannas and habluminnAllah.
6. Treat patients who have Baligh same-sex in meaning male with male, female with females, except for children who are not yet understood
Based on that stated in the Qur'an
An-nur letter paragraphs 30-31:
Verse 30: "Say to the man faith" they should to keep their eyes and take care the genitals, which make more purity for them, actually Allah knew what they had done. "
Ladiest and gentlaman
From explanation above, we can gets conclusion that a code of ethics very important for being Islamic nursing. Without a code of ethics and moral basis, the treatment can easily be eroded in the healing environment and don’t forget always pray to the Allah SWT. Because without his blessing we can not helping each others.
Forgive me if I have mistake in my speech. Because no body is perfect. Thanks for attention. And goog afternoon.. ASS
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